Sunday, November 10, 2019
Planning an Expedition to Antarctica
Pg 2 Pg 2 We as a team will be investigating the effects global warming is having on the Antarctic landscape, we will also look at the effects that the change in the Antarctic landscape is having on other factors such as the dispersion of animals. To look at the change we will look at the rate of contraction of the land, the rate of ice break up, the rate of which a lake is created, the flow rate of Moulins, the rate of sea level increase. As well as this we will try to determine how the reduction of white land mass will further global warming and at what rate. This will be hard to do but one of the many techniques we will employ will be to take ice cores. We will stay in Antarctica for 1 year so we can experience the effects of global warming over the different seasons we will then return to Antarctica in 5 years and study the change in data. To meet safety obligations we have created a training schedule in which the members of the team will learn skills needed for the Antarctic expedition as well as this they will learn first aid and what to do if situations get out of hand (situations such as severe weather, avalanches, snow storms, or separation of the group) they will also undergo rigorous testing and psychological assessment to make sure they will be suited to the weather, environment, and lack of social interaction. This is the training schedule it will span over 2 years and will allow them to begin to experience what it will be like in Antarctica. They will go to the training place per month for 1-2 weeks. Date| Place| Training| January 13| Snowdonia| Team Bonding, Scrambling, Walking| February 13| Scotland| Winter Skills Proficiency*, walking, ice climbing| March 13| Lake District| Winter Skills Progression*, walking, rock climbing| April 13| Scotland| Winter mountain days, avalanche awareness, graded routes| May 13| Peak District| Rock climbing, navigation| June 13| Snowdonia| Rock climbing, abseiling| July 13| Swiss Alps| 2 weeks, alpine mountaineering, crevasse rescue, avalanche, glacier crossing | August 13| Peak District| Rock climbing, navigation, first aid| September 13| Lake District| Rock climbing, navigation, first aid| October 13| North Wales| Rock climbing, avigation, first aid| November 13| North Wales| VHF*, competent crew (sailing), marine engine repair| December 13| Scotland| Winter skills, skiing, mountain days, ice climbing| January 14| Scotland| Winter skills, skiing, mountain days, mixed terrain| February 14| Scotland| Winter skills, skiing, Pulk Training (pullka)*| March 14| Norway| 2 weeks, ski touring, mountaineering| April 14| Lake District| Winter skills, walking, fitness, rock climbing abseiling| May 14| Wye Valley| Rock climbing| June 14| North Wales| Alpine skills training and Psychological assessment| July 14| Alps| 2 weeks, alpine mountaineering, crevasse rescue, avalanche, glacier crossing| September 14| North Wales| Communications training and Equipment checks| October 14| Devon| Advanced small boat training| November 14| Alps| Expedition Rehearsal, final practice of all skills and checking of each person’s specific role/job. | *Winter skills proficiency-these are things such as skiing, ice climbing, navigation etc. Winter skills progression- this is a course furthering skill and knowledge in winter skills proficiency (see above for further details) *VHF- very high frequency during this training they will be taught how to use radios in extreme conditions *Pulk Training (pullka)- is training the company in the use of the Scandinavian pullka a short, low-slung small toboggan used in for transport, pulled by a dog or a skier. Pg 3 Pg 3 We have decided to include marine training in case they are caugh t in a situation which requires small boats or ships as the way to evacuate the area. As well as this we understand that we have to follow strict guidelines during our visit to Antarctica but as these guidelines are many we have only been able to list a few to show we fully understand the responsibility we have to the environment. Article II Freedom of scientific investigation in Antarctica and cooperation toward that end, as applied during the International Geophysical Year, shall continue, subject to the provisions of the present Treaty. Article III In order to promote international cooperation in scientific investigation in Antarctica, as provided for in Article II of the present Treaty, the Contracting Parties agree that, to the greatest extent feasible and practicable: -a. information regarding plans for scientific programs in Antarctica shall be exchanged to permit maximum economy of and efficiency of operations; -b. scientific personnel shall be exchanged in Antarctica between expeditions and stations; -c. scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall be exchanged and made freely available. There will be three teams positioned at different spots in the Antarctic. This means that the results we get will be varied and will cover more area this way we can look at the effects over a vast area and see if global warming is affecting different areas at different rates or different ways. Each team will be made up of the same type of people (for example each team would have a photographer). Each team will consist of 9 people, a team leader, a navigator, a photographer, an ecologist, a potamologist, an oceanographer, a glaciologist, a meteorologist and a doctor/paramedic. Team 1| Team 2| Team 3| Reason| Team Leader/ Expedition Leader| Team Leader | Team Leader| You need the team leader to make sure that everyone is doing what they need to be doing| Navigator| Navigator| Navigator| You need the navigator to be able to provide the route needed and help if the team gets lost as well as this they will be able to mark your position on the map. | Photographer| Photographer| Photographer| To record the data photographically and to show the change in ice and to create a portfolio of the research data. Ecologist| Ecologist| Ecologist| To study how the change in landscape and temperature would affect the animals (how they would live and the dispersion of them)| Potamologist| Potamologists| Potamologists| To study the rivers, Moulin’s, lakes to see how global warming is affecting that area within the landscape. | Oceanographer| Oceanographer| Oceanographer| Would study the rise in sea level, the ocean circulation, and the physical and chemical properties of the ocean, geology of the sea. | Glaciologist| Glaciologist| Glaciologist| Would study the ice shifts, the rate of ice melting, and how quickly the ice is retreating. Meteorologist| Meteorologist| Meteorologist| Pg 4 Pg 4 The meteorologist would study the precipitation levels and how this will affect the landscape; will this create more avalanches etc. | Doctor/Paramedic| Doctor/Paramedic| Doctor/Paramedic| To help anyone suffering from frostbite and other related ailments. As well as this the doctor/paramedic would be in charge of the log book and making sure all the equipment is present. | The equipment and kit needed for the Antarctic expedition is numerous so the equipment list is provided after the initial document. The clothing needed for the Antarctic expedition comes in many layers the first/base core layer is light clothes the next layer is the mid insulation layer which is lightweight and traps body heat then the final/outer layer is the thickest layer and is a tough and breathable barrier. Then there are the accessories such as the gloves, hats, sock and boots. The expedition will fly from the UK to Santiago and then from Santiago to Ushuaia and will then sail across the Drake Passage from Puerto Williams in Chile, to the Antarctic Peninsula. Departure| Arrival| Company| Transport| Price per person| Price over all| London, Heathrow| Santiago, Chile| Iberia| Airplane| ? 560| ? 15120| Santiago, Chile| Ushuaia, Argentina| Lan| Airplane| ? 243. 76| ? 6581. 52| Ushuaia, Argentina| Puerto Williams, Chile| â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€| Boat| ? 110| ? 2970| Puerto Williams, Chile| Antarctic Peninsula| â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€| Boat| The boat will not be paid for it will be rented and we will use it to travel to the Antarctic Peninsula and to transport the other teams to the other research bases. | Total Cost:| ? 913. 76| 24671. 52| To be able to go on this expedition we need sponsors to fund it. We will use 6 sponsors. Society/Sponsor| Type of Sponsor| Reason for Sponsorship| Union of Concerned Scientists| Scientific community-non profitable organisation | They fund research and they are concerned about how global warming is and is going to affect the planet| European Science Foundation| Scientific community-non profi table organisation| They sponsor 11 different research areas one of the ones is polar science this means that they would benefit from this area of science. Secretariat of the Antarctic treaty| Scientific community-non profitable organisation| The information gathered during the research would be useful to all the research bases in the Antarctic and to all the countries within the Antarctic treaty. | WWF| Animal charity and a non-profitable organisation| Although the research we are planning to carry out isn’t directly linked to animals if we look at the animal dispersion aspect we could help them showing how global warming is Pg 5 Pg 5 ffecting the landscape and how that in turn is affecting the animals| Panasonic| A company, profitable organisation| They are sponsoring us because of the photography side of the expedition and due to this they are providing us with the photographic equipment. | Harris| A company, profitable organisation| They are a communication company so the y are helping us with the best transceivers and communicating devices. | The route we will take from arriving at the Antarctic Peninsula will differ depending on the team they belong to. The three places that we are staying are in the Antarctic are the Antarctic Peninsula, Queen Maud Land and the Transantarctic area. On the map below it shows the route each team will take. There is a research base here in which team 1 will stay and the other teams for the 1st week and then team one for the rest of the year. Research base-Rothera (UK) There is a research base here in which team 1 will stay and the other teams for the 1st week and then team one for the rest of the year. Research base-Rothera (UK) There is a research base here in which team 2. Research base-Novolazarevskaya (Russian) There is a research base here in which team 2. Research base-Novolazarevskaya (Russian) There is a research base which team 3 will stay at. In this area there are only two research stations. Research base- McMurdo (U. S. ) There is a research base which team 3 will stay at. In this area there are only two research stations. Research base- McMurdo (U. S. ) The research could be used both in the near future and in the far future; the research we arPg 5 Pg 5 planning to conduct in Antarctica could be used to determine how global warming is affecting other places and whether the rate of global warming has increased or decreased and by how much, as well as this from the data we collect we can try to determine how large a threat global warming is; for example if ocean circulation is changed by global warming then major changes in the climate are very likely. So if we could carry out research and find ou t whether the ocean circulation is changing then we could try to predict the effects. As well as this by repeating the same expedition in 5 years we will firstly get more accurate results and secondly we will be able to see if the levels of global warming within the aforementioned sections have increased or decreased and again at what rate. As well as this the research carried out would benefit not just our country but all other countries within the Antarctic treaty and possibly even further afield. Kit list-Clothing Clothing| Price | Layer type| Reason| Insulated base layer top| ? 20 each| Base core| These will form the basic layers and will be the thinnest and lightest of all the layers. This will help trap air between this primary level and the secondary level forming a good insulator. | Insulated base layer trousers| | Base core| | Fleece| ? 32. 27 each| Mid-Insulation layer| These will form the secondary layer and will be just slightly thicker and heavier than the previous layer. A well as they will trap air between the layers providing more insulation| Insulator trousers| ? 41. 96 each| Mid-Insulation layer| | Polar parka| ? 96. 99 each| Outer layer| These will form the outer layer and will trap air between the secondary and outer layer. These are the thickest and heaviest of all three layers this is because they have to be windproof and waterproof| Down or Synthetic trousers| ? 90. 99 each| Outer Layer| | Light weight gloves| ? 4. 99 each| Accessories| Depending on how cold the area is depends on how many layers of gloves you will need. The lightweight glove liners are the first layer, the lightweight gloves are the second layer and the ski mittens are the outer/final layer. They work on the same principles as the clothes this principle is that they trap air between layers| Ski Mittens| ? 14. 99 each| Accessories| | Lightweight glove liners| ? . 99| Accessories| | Balaclava| ? 20. 00 each| Accessories| You lose about 10% of your body heat from your head so this is essential. | Under socks| ? 7. 99 each| Accessories| The under socks are used as layers and like the lightweight glove liners are the first layer so they are light and thin. | Socks| ? 2. 00 each| Accessories| The socks are thicker and heavier thermal sock s so provide more protection against cold, wind and rain. | Mukluks| ? 155 each| Accessories| The mukluks are there as snow shoes they are thick soled and thick so it protects the foot from cold, wind and rain. Neck gaiter| ? 5. 99 each| Accessories| The neck gaiter or a scarf can be used to protect the neck from cold and traps the body heat| Ski glasses| ? 50. 00 each| Accessories| These have to be high UV levels they are there to protect the explorer from snow glare. | Equipment list Pg 6 Pg 6 Equipment item| Price | Type| Reason| Sleeping bag| ? 199. 99 each| Sleeping| This is thick and well insulated so keeps you warm as well as this most of your clothes will be kept in the sleeping bag when you sleep. | Closed cell foam sleeping mat| ? . 99 each| Sleeping| This is there so you are not sleeping straight on the snow and stops some of the cold from coming as well as this it is more comfortable to sleep on. | Mountaineering ice axe| ? 54. 99 each| Climbing| It is there to help the climber get up the mountain this as well as the crampons and ice hammer are essential for climbing. | Ice hammer| ? 54. 99 each| Climbing| It is there to help the climber get up the mountain this as well as the crampons and ice axe is essential for climbing. | Crampons| ? 9. 90 each| Climbing| It is there to help the climber get up the mountain this as well as the ice hammer and ice axe is essential for climbing. | Climbing Harness| ? 59. 95 each| Climbing| The climbing harness is there to stop the climber from falling when climbing the mountain or glacier. It is there as protection. | Personal crevasse rescue kit| ? 20. 00 each| Climbing| This is there in case some member of the team falls into a crevasse this will help them to get back out. | Right and left hand ascenders| ? 38. 0 each| Climbing| These are there to attach the rope to the climbing harness. | Skis with touring binds| ? 350. 00 each| Skiing equipment| The skis are there to help the explorer travel across the ice shee ts and snow. | Adjustable ski poles| ? 65. 00 as a pair| Skiing equipment| The adjustable poles are there so any one can use them and they are used to guide the skis in the right direction. | Transceiver| ? 65. 99 for 5| Skiing equipment| The transceiver is there to give and receive messages to other members of that team and other teams. | Avalanche probe| ? 29. 0 each| Skiing equipment| They are a crucial part of the avalanche rescue kit it is there to mark the spot of the person who is under the snowfall caused by the avalanche. | Shovel| ? 15. 00 each| Skiing equipment| These are there to dig you, your ski or the ledges out of the snow if they are buried. | Ski crampons| ? 26. 24 each| Skiing equipment| These are to help you grip in the snow or on the skis while you are walking or skiing. | GPS| ? 115. 00 each| Navigation | The GPS is there so you can determine where you are and the quickest route back if you’re lost. | Compass| ? 15. 0 each| Navigation| The compass is the re for those who do not hold GPS or the GPS has stopped working and so can be used as a navigational tool. | Altimeter watch| ? 90. 00 each| Navigation| Altimeter watch is an altimeter, barometer, and compass so can be used in many ways and is very helpful. | Spare batteries| ? 1. 93 for 8| Navigation| Spare batteries for the watch and for the GPS to be used as emergency and when needed. | Lightweight group shelter| ? 359. 99 for 9 people| Emergency| This will be used in emergencies if you are caught in a snow storm or if you need to camp out before you reach your destination. Personal first aid kit| ? 22 each| Emergency| This will be used in case you are separated or if Pg 8 Pg 8 you are on a journey and harm yourself. | Small repair kit| ? 9. 58 each| Emergency| This could be used to repair skis, boats, snowmobiles or any other equipment needed to be mended| Medication| â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-| Additional| This is only there for those who suffer from chronic of short term illnes ses as well as basic medication such as paracetamol, aspirin etc. | Food packets| ? 5. 00 for 10 packets| Additional| These will be used on journeys and in emergencies if there is no access to food. Water purifiers| ? 30 for 5| Additional| This is there if the water runs out and you need to melt ice then it will be essential to purify the water before you drink the water| Water| ? 10 for 3Ãâ€"1 litre| Additional| These will be there if you are on a journey, trek or are caught in an emergency as a form of liquid so as to stop dehydration. | Vitamins and minerals| ? 20 for 5 jars| Additional| Are there for any emergencies when the explorer is suffering from a vitamin and mineral deficiencies. | Sun screen| ? 20. 0 for 4| Additional| These are to protect the skin from the high UV level. | Lip screen| ? 20. 00 for 5| Additional| These are there to protect the lips from the high UV level. | By Francesca Steeples 9P All prices were correct at the time of printing Pg 1 Pg 1 How Is Global Warming Affecting The Antarctic Landscape? Contents Introduction pg 2 Training Schedulepg 2-3 Articles/Rules in Antarctic Treatypg 3 Team and Team Memberspg 3-4 Equipment and Kit Listpg 3 and 5-7 Route to Antarcticapg 3 Sponsorspg 3-4 Route in Antarcticapg 4 What the research could be used for in the futurepg 5
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