Monday, January 27, 2020
Preventing Teenagers from Smoking
Preventing Teenagers from Smoking Problem statement It is well documented that tobacco use has caused many smoking related diseases yearly; De Meyrick (2000) reported that almost 20,000 people died each year from smoking related diseases. Smoking has been steadily declining in Australia but there is a need to prevent teenagers from even taking up smoking. According to statistics provided by Quit Victoria (2014), the overall rate of smokers among Australian students aged 12 to 17 was 6.7% in 2011, with 4.1 percent of students within the age bracket of 12 to 15 being current smokers and 12.9 per cent of current smokers being in the age bracket of 16 to 17 years of age. Further, it was reported that the majority of adult smokers adopted the habit as teenagers, with the average age of initiation in 2010 being 16 and these smokers took up the habit seriously after progressing from the experimental stage (Tobacco in Australia 2014). It was also found that 16% of males and 13% of females had become regular smokers by the age of 17 (Tobacco in Australia 2014). A study by Chang et al (2005) also found that tobacco smoking among teenagers has been associated with substance abuse and depression as well as a host of mental health problems in both male and female adolescents. Chang et al (2005) further reported that prevention and early intervention into teenage smoking will not only avert later daily smoking but it can also prevent or mitigate the risk for substance use and psychiatric problems. Considering that smoking has caused many health related problems and has also contributed to other social costs, it becomes crucial to prevent teenagers from even adopting the smoking habit. While there are many anti-smoking campaigns, a specific programme targeting teenagers in Victoria is needed to significantly reduce the statistics of 16% male and 13% female teenage smokers by age 17. Needs Analysis Plan The identified problems and service gaps There was no secondary research on the suburbs most at risk of teenage smoking in Victoria. However, interviews with community health care centres, social workers and schools found that the suburbs of Broadmeadows, Dallas, Coolaroo, Frankston North and Bangholme are most at risk of teenagers adopting the smoking habit. The low socio-economic background of the teenagers and poverty associated and family problems have placed these teenagers at the highest risk of not only adopting the smoking habit but also substance and alcohol abuse. There are high incidences of teenagers presenting themselves with problems associated with substance and alcohol abuse, such as depression and self-harm, at the community health care centres. These findings are typical in other research studies research as well (Johnston Thomas 2008). Local police also reports incidences of teenage brawls and fights as well as an overall higher crime rate in these rough suburbs. It has been found from interviews with local support groups, including schools and community health centres as well as social workers that these teenagers feel displaced and isolated. Due to the shortage of resources, there have not been any specific programmes targeting at these teenagers to address smoking, substance or alcohol abuse. There are programmes by local church groups, schools and community health centres to help the residents of these suburbs. However, these programmes are not properly coordinated and are sporadic and short-lived at best. For this reason, the benefits of any community-based programme to help the teenagers cannot really be realised. Interviews with teenagers in these suburbs found that many of them form friendship with other teenagers in schools. Due to cases of bullying or simply for the need of peer support, children as young as pre-primary form friendship with the older children and teenagers, expecting protection from these ‘gangs’. These children learn their habits and emulate behaviour of the older children of the gangs. Interviews with teenagers found that most consider smoking, substance use and alcohol consumption as a rite of passage that they have grown up and accepted as full member of the gangs. For this reason, some teenagers started smoking and drinking as young as 9 years. The fact that many of the parents are also smokers do not help. The high crime rate in these suburbs is due to the lack of employment for teenagers and the need to support their smoking and alcohol habit. As such, the target audience for the proposed funding is primary school children and high school children livin g in the identified suburbs. The service gaps found are the lack of a sustained programme specifically targeting the children and teenagers in the suburbs of Broadmeadows, Dallas, Coolaroo, Frankston North and Bangholme against taking up smoking as well as support programmes for teenagers to quit smoking. While there are attempts in reaching out to our target market in reducing or preventing smoking by various community groups, there is no concerted effort in pooling the efforts of the community support groups through any programme to address the issues that contribute to early adoption of smoking in these communities. This is due to the absence of a person or community group that is solely responsible for such a programme and the lack of funding. After the funding has been proven successful with the proposed interventions, this can be considered for other suburbs in Melbourne and Victoria in the future. Proposed interventions/solutions It is proposed that a Quit Teenage Smoking Project be the responsibility of Quit Smoking Victoria with a dedicated trained personnel (probably a nurse) and two other full-time staff members in a team to oversee the project. A multi-pronged approach with several partners is needed to address teenage smoking in the identified suburbs. Li Powdthavee (2014) reported from their study that people who stay longer in schools tend to be at a lower risk of taking up the smoking habit. For this reason, it is vital to include the schools as an important partner in this project. It is also crucial to include community health care centres as an important partner in this project, for the simple reason that they are the health authority that can discuss health issues with the teenagers who present themselves at these centres for health related issues. Churches and community groups are also critical partners in this project due to their outreach programs and their network in the community to help th ese teenagers. It is also vital to include businesses’ participation as these businesses can offer casual employment to keep the teenagers off the street where they learn how to smoke. The extra money earned can be useful to teenagers to feed themselves and they also learn a skill and feel respected. Businesses can also be involved through some corporate sponsorship. The multi-pronged approach requires the teenagers to be segregated into two different target groups – the non-smokers and the smokers. The objective for the non-smokers is to prevent them from smoking while the immediate objective for the smokers is to reduce smoking. The interventions are discussed as follows – Conclusion The Quit Teenage Smoking Project/Campaign is a proposed project that needs funding by the Victorian Department of Health to prevent teenagers from taking up smoking. Due to the limited funds available, it is proposed that this campaign be carried out in the poorest suburbs of Victoria. The campaign is a multi-pronged approach that engages not only the community health centres in these suburbs but also schools, churches and community groups as well as businesses because smoking is more than a health issue but also a social and emotional one. The main reason why teenagers take up smoking is because they feel that it is a rite of passage and they want to be accepted in their peer groups. Hence, it is important that these teenagers are occupied with better things than getting into trouble and taking up smoking, which can also lead to alcohol and substance abuse. It is proposed that schools be responsible for keeping the students engaged with several proposed programmes while the churches and community groups keep the students occupied with interesting activities so that these teenagers find meaning in their lives with other activities than getting into trouble and smoking. Businesses can actively recruit teenagers to work for them after school and businesses can also provide sponsorship, such as free meals in schools so that students have incentives to go to school. Of course, the community health centres help by providing medical and emotional counselling support. In order to ensure that the campaign is a success, three monthly review of objectives and measurement of goals are important so that adjustment can be made to the campaign to achieve the best results. References Chang, G., Sherritt, L., Knight, J. R. (2005). Adolescent cigarette smoking and mental health symptoms.Journal of Adolescent Health,36(6), 517-522. De Meyrick, J. (2010). Tobacco smokings changing trajectory in Australia.Journal of Business Research,63(2), 161-165. Johnston, V., Thomas, D. P. (2008). Smoking behaviours in a remote Australian Indigenous community: the influence of family and other factors.Social science medicine,67(11), 1708-1716. Li, J., Powdthavee, N. (2014). Does More Education Lead to Better Health Habits? Evidence from the School Reforms in Australia.Social Science Medicine. Quit Victoria Resource Media Centre 2014 Tobacco in Australia 2014, Cancer Council,
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Family Traditions Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing
It was going to be a bad Christmas. Nothing could be done to salvage it. The little tree (the only one we could afford) was bare, surrounded by its fallen needles. The Christmas presents were not much; Santa did not have the means to give the children what they had on their Christmas lists. It was going to be awful, the season of joy and giving was corrupted, nothing in the tiny apartment even resembled Christmas. The little, dead, bare Christmas tree was prophesying what the season would really bring that year to the family, almost nothing. How could they save the holiday? It seemed almost hopeless, but it turned into my family’s most loved and fun family ritual. To this day, I cannot remember a Christmas morning where Santa did not fill the entire living room floor with balloons. Every Christmas morning my family wakes up to a jungle of balloons; long skinny ones that look like baseball bats, the regular round ones, some that have a special design on the rubber, and others that are so tiny we do not notice them until we hear a big bang when we accidently step on them. This Christmas tradition is the one that saved Christmas back when I was really young. My parents, in an effort to save the holiday, had rushed to the local corner store and bought some balloons. The balloons were cheap, took a long time to blow up, and made that Christmas and every Christmas after that so much more exciting and fun than if my parents had been able to afford all the gifts we had on our list to Santa that year. I have always known that spending time with your family is important, but I never had a testimony of its importance in my life. When I read the words â€Å"wholesome family recreation†in the ... ...nce because when he was there we knew of our importance to him. Morning without prayer is not completely; those prayers helped me learn the gospel. There are so many benefits to wholesome family recreation that go unnoticed underneath all the fun. Before I started researching this topic, I did not think that having a testimony of recreation could be possible; testimonies were about tithing and the atonement. Now I realize that family traditions and rituals are an indispensable aspect of family life. I can say that I have a testimony in the importance of wholesome family recreation. When I start my own family, I want to continue and build new rituals so that we can build lasting and meaningful relationships. The Proclamation to the Family is incredibly insightful, who would have thought such a minor thing was really an ingredient to having a successful family.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Nigeria of My Dreams
HOUSE FELLOWSHIP TOPIC: THE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE BIBLE (PART TWO)TEXT JUDGES 27:6, 21:35: JUDE 3-4, 17-23 INTRODUCTION: the challenge to everyone that desires to please God is to go back to the bible. In these last days such an individual must embrace and appreciate biblical standards and against all odds seek to live for God. *Gal. 2:20 WHAT ARE THE GUIDING PRINCIPLES WE NEED TO OBSERVE IF WE MUST GO BACK TO THE BIBLE? * We must have willing hearts. Jere. 29:13 * We must be sincere and acknowledge that the church situation today is not the best. Isa. 8:1-3; 2 cor. 11:28 * There should be deadness to self. Matt 16:24; Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23 * We must allow the Holy Spirit to be enthroned in own heart. Acts 1:8: Jn. 16:13 * There must be a desire to pray. Acts 2:1-2; James 5:16; Mark 1:35 * We must be read y to contend for faith (our belief). 2 Tim. 2: 15; Col. 4:17: Titus 3:8; 1 Tim. 6:12 * We must be ready to seek God. Isa. 55:6; Amos 5:4-14 CONCLUSION We should ask for the old path s and walk in them *(Jere. 6:16) Like Daniel we should purpose in our hearts to follow God’s standards *(Dan. :18) Like Nehemiah we must resolve to build the broken walls in our lives. Like peter and the apostle of old, we must resolve to obey God rather than men. *(Acts 4:19) TOPIC: THE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE BIBLE (PART THREE)(IN THE DEMONSTRATION OF LOVE) TEXT: MATT. 22:34-39; 10:37-39: JOHN 13:34-35; 1COR. 13: 1-13 INTRODUCTION Love as someone once said is wishing your neighbor the highest good. This is what the Bible describes as agape, the ‘God kind of love. This love is selfless, always wishing good to others not minding tribe, age or position. *(James 2: 1-4) WHAT ARE SOME OF THE WAYS WE CAN SHOW OUR LOVE FOR GOD? * We must love God with all our heart. Matt. 22:33; Philemon 5 * We must be obedient to his commandments. John 14: 15; Acts 4:19 * We must be ready to spend our time and resources (Money, Houses, and Cars etc) for Him. Mark 11: 1-6; 14: 12-16; ,Matt. 10-37 WHAT ARE SOME OF THE WAYS WE CAN SHOW OR EXPRESS OUR LOVE TO MEN? * You must be ready to love your neighbor as yourself * Believers must love themselves We should be ready to identify with their physical needs (school fees, clearing of debts, food, clothing, etc). Matt. 25: 31; James 2: 14-17; Acts 2:44; 2 Cor. 5: 8-9 * We should be willing to show mercy towards our neighbours. Pray for them. 1 John 4:7: Philemon 4-6; 2 Tim. 4:5; Col. 4:17; Titus 3:8; 1 Tim. 6:12 Tim. 1:3 * Visitation and word of encouragement could be used. 1 Tim. 1:4 HOW CAN WE MAKE LOVE OUR LIFE STYLE? * Be always conscious that God‘s love is already deposited in you. Rom. 5:5 * We must allow the love to blossom by depending on the Holy Spirit. * We must always have a heart of forgiveness. John 4:7 CONCLUSION effective love is one acted out. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we demonstrate love in our relationship with people. John 3:16; 1Cor. 13:13 TOPIC: THE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE BIBLE (PA RT 4) (IN THE HOPE OF OUR CALLING) TEXT: JOHN 14:1-3; 1COR. 15:19; EPH. 1: 18: 4:4 INTRODUCTION: The way many believers live and carry on in the present world does not reflect a hope in or an expectation of another kingdom. Many are living so carelessly, forgotten that Jesus will one day call for a harvest of His people.Thess. 4:16-18 WHAT IS THE GUARANTEE THAT THE LORD WILL COME AGAIN? * God’s Himself spoke about the second coming of His son. Jude 14:15 * The Holy Spirit spoke through angels and prophets about the hope of his coming. Acts 1:11 * Jesus himself spoke about his coming. Matt. 25:31-34,24:30 * There are several signs relating to his coming again which have been fulfilled and are being fulfilled. 2Tim 3:1-3; Matt. 24: 12; Luke 18:8 HOW SHOULD THE BELIEVERS PREPARE FOR HIS COMING? * Believers should always be conscious of his coming by living a holy and dedicated life. Heb. 12:14; 1Tim. :11-12 * Believers should avoid compromise. Rom. 12:2 * Believers should always involve themselves in the work of the kingdom- evangelism. Matt. 6:20 * We should not be weary in well doing. Gal. 6:9: phil. 2: 4-5 HOW CAN WE KEEP THE HOPE OF HIS CALLING ALIVE? * We should always bear in mind that we are stranger/pilgrims on earth. Heb. 11:8-10 * We should always remember the word/promise of our lord Jesus concerning his coming. John 14:1-3 * We should always have a focus on the rewards awaiting us his coming. 1 Cor. 2:9 CONCLUSION It is often said that heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.The believer must deliberately choose the path of holy living bearing in mind that he is a stranger on earth. Titus 2: 11-12 TOPIC: THE CHARACTER STUDY OF JOSEPH TEXT: GEN. 37:25-36, 39:1-23 INTRODUCTION: Joseph was a handsome young man whose character stands out distinctly as one of the purest in all history. He was obedient to parents, God and would not allow the daily temptation from Potiphar’s wife weaken his high morality and his faith in God WHY DID JO SEPH REFUSE POTIPHAR’S WIFE INVITATION TO LIE WITH HER? GEN. 9:7 * Joseph resolved to uphold his virtue and chastity. Gen. 39:7-8 * He saw it as a sin against God and not his master. Gen. 39:9 * Joseph considered who he was, his relationship with God. Gal. 2:20, 1 peter 2:9, Eph. 5:17 * He was watchful so as to foresee danger and escape it. 1 peter 5:8 LESSONS TO BE LEARNT FROM JOSEPH’S EXPERIENCE IN POTIPHAR’S HOUSE * A child of God should Endeavour to maintain moral purity in the face of severe temptation. 1Cor. 9:26-27, 10:21 * Flee from sin and all appearance of evil. 1Cor. 6:18 * We must fear God and determine not to sin against Him in any way. John 2 * Joseph experience shows that God’s blessing go with his people anywhere they go. Gen. 39:2 * The presence of a believer in any establishment should make a difference. Gen. 39: 3 * Learn to handover difficult situations to God. Rom. 12:19 CONCLUSION: It is by the grace of God that we are still strong i n faith. This grace must be jealously guarded, to be able to run the race to the end. The God that enables Joseph to run away from enticement to sin is still alive and ever gracious towards us. There is however, need not to be careless with our Christian faith. 1Cor. 15:52, 1John 3:8TOPIC: THE CHARACTER STUDY OF JOSEPH-JOSEPH IN PRISON TEXT: GEN. 39:21-23, 40:6-8 INTRODUCTION Potiphar’s wife having tried in vain to turn Joseph ungodly through laying with her go him portrayed as an immoral man before her husband. Her husband believed it and Joseph was jailed HOW DID JOSEPH REACT WHEN HE SUFFERED FOR AN OFFENCE HE NEVER COMMITTED? * He did not complain or grumble against God. Isa. 53:7 * Joseph continued to live a life of faithfulness and dedication to God * He left vengeance unto to the Lord. Rom. 12:19 * Like Paul and Silas, he did not allow his heart to be troubled or doubted God because of fear.Acts 16:21 * He did not allow the problem to take him away from his vision and f rom God. 1 Peter 4:16 WHY DID THE KEEPER OF THE PRISON PUT ALL THE PRISONERS IN JOSEPH’S CUSTODY? * God’s favour was with Joseph in the prison. Gen. 39:22 * He saw Joseph as someone who could be trusted with responsibilities. Gen. 39:22-23 * God was in the business; therefore everything went on smoothly in Joseph’s hands. Rom. 8:28 CONCLUSION: In his plight, Joseph continued to live a life of faithfulness and dedication to God. On his part, God granted Joseph favour and turned the imprisonment to be another blessing for him. Peter 5: 10 TOPIC: THE CHARACTER STUDY OF JOSEPH –JOSEPH IN AUTHORITY TEXT: GEN. 41: 1-57 INTRODUCTION God did not remove Joseph from the darkness and the filth of the dungeon. Instead, He was with him right there and blessed all that he did and thus, he continued to a position of trust and responsibility even in prison from where he was enthrone into the throne o honour. HOW DID GOD FULFIL HIS PROMISE IN JOSEPH’S LIFE? * God d ecided to give pharaoh a dream that cannot be interpreted by any man. Gen. 41:8 * God caused Joseph to be remembered by the butler after two years. Gen. 1: 9,12& 13 * God gave Joseph the interpretation and the solution of the dream paved way for Joseph enthronement. Gen. 41: 42-44 It should be noted that God did not use anything outside Joseph, but what is already in him (the gift of dreams and its interpretation) to bring him to the throne of honour. Prov. 18:16 HOW DID JOSEPH REACT TO HIS BRETHREN? * He left vengeance in the hand of God. Rom. 12:19-21 * Joseph saw his plight as a divine purpose for him and his brethren. Gen. 45:5 * His hash reaction was intended to bring them to repentance * He fed his brothers freely despite of their hatred.Gen. 43:23a * Joseph forgave his brethren though it was hard for them to accept. ( this portrays one of the great scene of reconciliation in the history of our faith). Gen. 45:7-8 WHAT WAS JOSPEPH BENEFIT FOR WAITING ON THE LORD? * Joseph was lifted above all his bosses and brethren. Gen. 41-44 * The purpose of God was fulfilled in his life. Gen. 45:7-8 CONCLUSION There is a time set for the deliverance of God’s people. That time will come though it may seem delayed, when it comes, it will definitely be the best time. Heb. 2:3-4, psalm 105: 17-21 TOPIC: HANDING CRISES IN THE HOME (PART ONE)TEXT: Eph 5:21-23, Col 3: 12-25 INTRODUCTON The relationship among family members in many homes today is fast gliding to a state of collapse, the warmth, security and intimacy that home use to prepare is no longer there. Every one seems to be doing his/her own things with little or no regards to how others in the family feel. WHAT IS THE NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP IN AN IDEAL HOME? An ideal home should reflect in the following: 1. Love Rom 13: 8 2. Tolerance Rom 15: 1-3 3. Forgiveness Matt 18: 12-22 4. Provide inspiration for the growth of the family Amos 3: 3, 1 peter 5:6 5.Children born into family are expected to be integrated in to the existing God given culture in a home. Num 25:12-13 CONCLUSION a peaceful and a united home is destiny for greatness. Make your home a godly one. 1 peter 3:7-9 TOPIC: HANDLIN G CRISES IN THE HOME (PART II) TEXT: EPH 5:21-23, COL. 3:12-25 INTRODUCTION The cause of crises in the home varies from one home to the other they all however have common denominations: they create a situation of unease whenever they rear their ugly heads.In part one of this study, we discussed the meaning of crises in the home. In this study we shall be highlighting the common causes of crises in the home. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE COMMON CAUSES OF CRISES IN THE HOME? The common causes of Crises in the home includes * Inability to leave and cleave Gen. 2:23-24 * Usurping of the man’s authority 1 peter. 3:1 * Attitudes towards in-laws’ Gen. 27:46, 28:8-9 * Childlessness 1 sam. 1:6 * Child discipline prov. 22:6 * Family upkeep 1 Tim. 5:8 * Denial of â€Å"bedroom favour†1 Cor. 7:3-5 * Ext ra-marital affairs 2 Sam 11: 1-3 CONCLUSION A home without Christ must be in crises.Therefore let Christ rules your home to day and peace will overshadow your family. Matt. 11:27-28 TOPIC: HANDING CRISES IN THE HOME (PART3) TEXT: EPH 5: 21- 23 COL 3:12-25 Introduction When crises is allowed to terry long in a home the effect are always disastrous and more difficult to handle. As Christian we are warned never To allow crises to tarry beyond a day In part one and two we discussed the meaning of crises home and the nature of ideal home and common causes of crises in a home.In this study we shall be discussing the effect of crises in a home WHAT ARE SOME OF THE EFFECTS OF CRISES IN A HOME 1. Communication blackout 1peter 2:1 2. Loss of fellowship Isaiah 59:2 James 4:7 3. Weakening of personal and family alter 4. Bitterness –Eph 4:31-32 Conclusion Avoid crises in your home. When it comes do not allow it to settle down before you solve it in agreement with each other aid with God 1 cor. 5:7 TOPIC: LOOKING UNTO JESUS TEXT: HEBREWS 12: 1-3, 1 CORINTHIANS 1:23-25, EPHESIANS 1:9-23Look unto Jesus for leadership and direction, we stumble when we look away from Him and look at ourselves, someone else or the circumstances surrounding us. When we fix our eyes on Him, we receive direction in times of confusion, strength in time of weakness and encouragement in time of discouragement. WHY SHOULD WE LOOK UNTO JESUS * Christ has come to save sinners from their sins and the impending doom. * In Him we live, move and have our being Act 17:28 * Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life, and no man can come to God or please Him except through Christ.John 14:6; Hebrews 11:6 * Jesus quickens the believers to be able to live a life pleasing unto God. Phil. 3: 20-21; Col. 2:9-10 * He is the originator and perfecter of our faith. HINDRANCES TO LOOKING UNTO JESUS * Overcharging our hearts with the cares of life and pursuing riches at the expense of our salvation. 1 John 2:15- 17 * Other hindrances include lack and wants, need not met, seemingly unanswered prayers, trials and temptation, afflictions etc To overcome these hindrances, give yourself to prayers and studying God’s word. If problems persist, seek counsel.Be determined to continue to trust in God in face of all odds. If we take our eyes off the lord Jesus, we stumble and if we continue in this condition we fall away from faith Matthew 14:28-31 BENEFITS OF LOOKING UNTO JESUS * Fullness and the power of God in our life. Col. 2:9-10; 1Cor. 1:23-25 * Abundant blessing and spiritual rest. Matthew 11:28; and peace Isaiah 26:3 * Eternal life CONCLUSION Emulate the lord Jesus. The believer stumbles when he looks away from the lord Jesus Christ TOPIC: THE GRACE OF GOD TEXT: 2 CORINTHIAN 12:9 The grace of God is the undeserved favour of God, and this is the very nature of God almighty.John 1:17, Eph. 2:6-8 and in the Old testament God favoured Israel not because of their number but of His graceful nature to be faithful to covenant promises. Gen. 17:1-8 In the New Testament, Gods’ grace is manifested in the giving of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, on behalf of undeserving sinners Gods’ grace is multiplied to the believers by the Holy Spirit, impacting forgiveness; acceptance and power to do Gods’ will John 3:16 The whole of our Christian life from beginning to the end is dependent on Gods’ grace. 1 Co 15:10 & Phil. 2:13. This favour is given in measuresHOW DOES ONE GET GODS’ GRACE? * As a gift. God gives a measure of grace to unbelievers so that they may be able to believe in Christ Eph. 2: 8-9 * Must be diligently desired& sought, Heb. 4:16 * Humble yourself before God- James 4:6-10 * Studying & obeying the scriptures – John 15: 1-11 * Hearing the preaching of Gods’ word- Tom. 1:16 * Praying- Jude 20 * Fasting- Matt. 4:2, 6:16 * Worshipping Christ – Col. 3:16 * Being continually filled with the Holy Ghost- Eph. 5: 1 8 We can grow in the grace of God. 1 Pet. 1:15 but men can resist (Heb. 12:15) receive in vain (2 Cor. :1) put out (Thes. 5:19) set aside (Gal. 2:21) and abandoned (Gal. 5:4) this grace. SOME BENEFITS OF GODS’ GRACE:- * Enables us to live above sin Rom. 6:20-23 * Obedience Eph. 2:5 * Ability to pray Zach. 12:10 * To grow in Christ 2 Pet. 3:18 * To witness for Christ Acts 4:33 CONCLUSION The grace of God is the foundation of every Christian life and it is adequate Heb. 4:16 for all situations. TOPIC: ROOKED AND BUILT- UP IN HIM TEXT: COL. 2:6-23; EQH. 3:14-19, 4:1-3 To be rooted and built-up in Him means to be firmly fixed and deeply planted and settled in Christ Jesus Col. :7 through the knowledge of the word and will of God and not being able to be tossed to and fro b7 every wind of trial strange doctrines and teachers that lie in wait to deceive. Christ is the foundation into which every born again Christian is rooted Isaiah 28:16; 1 Corinth. 3:11 and therefore we must look unto Him Heb. 132:2 because He is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. 1 Cor. 1:30 HOW CAN WE BE ROOTED IN CHRIST * You must be born again Jn. 1:12; 3:3; Rom. 10:9-10 * You must die and let our roots be established. Except a grain of wheat fall into the earth and dies it abides alone.John 12:24 * Abide in Christ. John 15:5 * Daily desire, search, study, understand, memorize and appropriate the sincere milk of the word of God. 1 Pet. 2:2 HOW TO BE BUILT UP IN CHRIST * Abide in Christ * Abide in His love- love God and love our neighbours. 1 John 3:16-18 * Abide in His word- obey God’s word and live by it. Rom. 10:17 * Set your love and desire on heavenly things. Col. 3: 1-4 * Be prayerful. Luke 18:1; 1Thes. 5: 17 * Not forsaking the assembly of saints. Heb. 10:25 for iron sharpens iron. Prov. 27:17 To be well rooted and built up in Christ avoid sin Eph. :3-7 so that the wrath Of God with cometh to the children of disobedience will not be our lot. Even the so called â€Å"tiny sins†destroy the â€Å"tender grapes†of our spiritual lives (Songs of Solomon 2:15) BENEFITS OF BEING ROOTED A ND BUILT UP IN CHRIST * Daily physical and spiritual nourishment. John 15:5 * We are guaranteed answer to our prayers. John 15:7 * No longer under condemnation. Roman 8:1-2 * We are led by the Holy Spirit and he also makes intercession for us. Roman 8:26 SUMMARY God will cause all who sincerely seek and trust Him to be deeply rooted and abundantly fruitful and our benefits are not only in this world. 2 Cor. 15:19
Friday, January 3, 2020
Patriot Act Essay - 1119 Words
Patriot Act One of the worst, yet momentous events in U.S history occurred on September 11th, 2001. This event released a flow of patriotic fervor and a permanent fear among all Americans that they had also now become suspect to acts of international terrorists. This led to a lot of changes in the attitudes of the executive and legislative branches in the United States government. They came up almost immediately with new measures, which were supposedly against terrorism or terrorist threats. One of the principle acts passed by them was called Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001, also called the USA Patriot Act. This was signed and approved as law†¦show more content†¦The United States of America has seen is share of traitors, from the most well known, Benedict Arnold, to least known Aaron Burr [who conspired to commit treason], and one who is known but is know as a murderer not a Treasonous, Lee Harvey Oswald. With the attacks in New York, and our Nations Capital on 091101, many are left wondering if we have yet again another Treasonous criminal. Even with Treason being a Capital Felony, charged with life in prison without parole, was it tempting to someone who has a grudge against our nation to commit and help in these acts? With the Patriot Act in place, we will be able to prevent any act of Treason from happening, from any person speculated to possible committing the act. See many Americans think that with this act, the Government may phone tap your house and invade your privacy. They feel that the Government would be able to here every word you speak over the phone. I mean if I wanted to I could turn on a CB radio and listen to the right frequency and listen to what you have to say whenever you make a call now, so forget about the wire taps. Regardless of how many Americans see it, it’s not as harsh as they read it and interoperate. The Patriot Act is set fourth to protect theShow MoreRelatedThe Patriot Act1467 Words  | 6 Pagespledged to respond within boundaries set by the Constitution confronting and preventing terrorist attacks. Through Patriot Act, the law enforcement agencies of the Untied States are given the most effective tools to combat terrorists having intentions or plans to attack the nation. It is, in fact, a significant weapon for nation s fight against terror. Major purpose of the Patriot Act is to break wall of regulatory and legal polices existing between the law enforcement agencies and intelligence toRead MoreThe Patriot Act Essay1618 Words  | 7 Pagesterrorist so the U.S government enacted the patriot act, which gave more power to the federal law-enforcement and intelligence gathering in suspected terrorist crimes. The patriot act gives the government power to do whatever they want for â€Å"national security†and take away the civilians civil rights. The government can tap into cell phones and listen in on conversations or even watch what people are searching on the internet. Since the passing of the patriot act racial profiling has grown in the pastRead MoreThe Declaration Of The Patriot Act1260 Words  | 6 Pagesour own government. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, the president at the time, George Bush, responded by passing an act. This act is known as the Patriot Act. It allows the government unlimited access to phone records, emails, and text messages without a w arrant through National Security Letters and Sneak and Peak Searches. Why do they do this, why was this act passed, they claim it’s for our safety. Both can be obtained and carried out without a judge’s approval, without a warrant, andRead More Patriot Act Essay647 Words  | 3 Pages The â€Å"Patriot Act†nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; In the wake of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Congress sprang into action. Within a month, U.S. lawmakers overwhelmingly approved the USA Patriot Act of 2001, giving law enforcement and intelligence agent’s broader authority to fight terrorists operating in the United States. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Signed into law by the President on October 26, the Patriot Act is designed to fight terrorism on several fronts. First, it givesRead MoreThe Patriot Act Of 2001 Essay1224 Words  | 5 Pagessame, as well as the rest of us that watch in disbelief. The attacks on September 11th 2001 led to something called the Patriot Act. In the days after 9/11 Congress hurried to pass a bill to give law-enforcement agencies the power to fight domestic terrorism. On October 26, President George W. Bush signed three hundred page USA Patriot Act into law ( The USA Patriot Act of 2001 was created to prevent and catch terrorist in the United States and around the world. The contents of it hasRead More The Patriot Act Essay1338 Words  | 6 Pages The Patriot Act. On September 11, 2001 Muslim terrorists instilled with a hatred of the west attacked the United States in a brutal fashion. Planes were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center in New York. Over three thousand people were killed and the impregnable nation known as America was know scared and vulnerable. Almost immediately the legislature began drafting an act that would make the war on terror and the fight for homeland security a little easier to fight, this would comeRead MoreUsa Patriot Act1302 Words  | 6 Pagesthe U.S.A. Patriot Act. The title for this bill is an acronym for the United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA Patriot Act). In the years since the passing of the Patriot Act, there has been much controversy and debate regarding the positive and negative advantages, and consequences of this bill. As a member of the law enforcement community I have experienced firsthand some of the changes the Patriot Act has broughtRead More The Patriot Act Essay1684 Words  | 7 PagesThe Patriot Act After the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 our country underwent a change that has drastically affected the fundamental values that our founding fathers instilled in this country. Since that tragic day in September the aftermath of the attacks has started to implicate our Civil Liberties that in this country we hold so dear. Just 45 days after the September 11 attacks, with virtually no debate, Congress passed the USA Patriot Act on October 5th, 2001. This act expandedRead More The Patriot Act Essay1142 Words  | 5 PagesThe Patriot Act In the wake of September 11, many things happened very quickly. Along with the beginning of a war against terrorism, an act was passed to help prevent future terrorism in the USA. The name of this is the USA Patriot Act. The act legalizes many surveillance techniques that were once prohibited. The act has been passed without debate, and the new privileges given to our government have not been thoroughly examined. The law enforcers of our country are now capable of monitoringRead MoreThe Declaration Of The Patriot Act2055 Words  | 9 PagesWhen we approach people in any country around the globe and ask questions as to who are terrorists and the word terrorism which brought to the Unite States the birth of Patriot Act as well as the controversy surrounding the Act as a whole, we will see that the patriot act went too far because certain provisions seem to violate the constitutional rights of the citizens of this country. First, I see terrorism as war and a terrorist in my view is a soldier going to war for certain purpose and reason
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